Mini Athletics Beckenham and West Wickham
Hello and Welcome to Mini Athletics Beckenham & West Wickham.
Our classes take children's love of running around and burning energy and mixes that with imaginative and fun worlds, where the children end of learning to run, jump and throw without even realising.
Children go to the beach, into space and to the funfair. They become dinosaurs, pirates and unicorns and all the while, their jump legs are developing, their running arms are taking shape and their aiming arm is honing their throw.
We offer a class for all ages from walking up to 7 years old including:
- Community classes
- Nursery classes
- School clubs
- SEN classes
- Birthday parties
Community classes are held on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday across Beckenham and West Wickham. We are also in nurseries, childminders and schools, so ask if Mini Athletics is available at your childcare setting.
If this sounds fun, come along and join in. You can also follow us on fb or Instagram @miniathleticsbeckenham for all latest class and club news.
I look forward to welcoming you and your Mini Athlete.