Terms & Conditions
Please read these terms carefully before you book classes with Mini Athletics South West London. These terms tell you who Mini Athletics South West London are, how we will provide classes and related sessions to you, how you may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact Mini Athletics South West London to discuss.
All Parents wishing their Child to attend a Mini Athletics South West London class must agree to the terms and conditions set out below. The Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted by you upon completion of the online sign-up process, once you have ticked the box confirming acceptance on the Website booking form and confirmation of payment of Fees has been received by us.
In the unlikely event of a Parent, Carer or Child failing to abide by these terms and conditions, Mini Athletics South West London may request that you cease to use the services of Mini Athletics South West London. In this instance Mini Athletics South West London will be under no obligation to provide a refund for any outstanding Classes or related sessions.
1. Interpretation
“Carer” means the person who attends a Class with a Child and who is responsible for looking after them;
“Class” means a Mini Athletics South West London class as described on the Website;
“Competitor” means any person or entity who offers classes similar to those offered by Mini Athletics South West London;
“Fees” means the membership fee and the prices that Mini Athletics South West London charges for attending Classes and related sessions;
“Child” means any child who attends a Class;
“Coach” means the representative of Mini Athletics South West London who is running any Class or related session;
"Mini Athletics South West London " means the local franchisee with whom the Parent or Carer books any Classes who is responsible for operating your local Classes and related sessions and who shall be responsible for all matters relating to the delivery of these;
“Parent” and “you” means the Legal Guardian of any Child who makes a booking ;
“Premises” means any premises where Classes or related sessions are conducted;
“Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions as may be amended or updated from time to time; and
“Website” means the website at www.miniathletics.com
2. Information about Mini Athletics South West London and how to contact them.
2.1. Heather Gillham t/as HG Athletics is a Sole Trader registered in England. Our registered office address is 6 Queens Road, New Malden, KT3 6BX. To contact Mini Athletics South West London please email us at hgillham@miniathletics.com.
3. Booking a class
3.1. You can make a Class booking online at www.miniathletics.com
3.2. During the booking process, you will be asked to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions (this document), which include our Class Rules. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation email detailing what you have booked and information about the time/location of your Classes.
3.3. All class timetables are correct at time of publishing. If your class time/location changes, your local franchisee will contact you.
3.4. Any medical conditions and/or allergies that coaches should be aware of must be declared via the website booking process by you.
4. Payment and Cancellation
4.1. Payment for Classes shall depend on the offers made available by Mini Athletics South West London at the time of booking. Generally, the options that Mini Athletics South West London make available are:
4.1.1 Taster Classes;
4.1.2 Monthly Subscriptions;
4.1.3 Block Bookings; (Phased out from January 2025)
4.1.4 Termly Bookings;
4.1.5 Holiday Camps;
4.1.6 Birthday Parties/Events
Taster Classes
4.2. These Classes give a Parent the opportunity to book a one-off Class, to see if the Child enjoys the session. Parents are not permitted to book more than one taster session per Child.
Monthly Subscription
4.3. This is the most cost-effective way of booking Classes as there are no booking fees. When a Parent signs up the first time, they will initially pay for the remaining Classes left in that month. Then, monthly payments will be taken automatically on the first (1st) day of each month for the number of Classes in that month. An email will be sent by Mini Athletics South West London on a monthly basis detailing when the Classes are (for the month) and the total amount charged.
4.4. Parents can cancel Monthly subscriptions at any time (by logging into their dashboard on the Website and selecting ‘cancel subscription’) but the booking for remaining Classes in the month of cancellation will remain in place.
4.5. There are no refunds for missed Classes under monthly subscription. In the event that Mini Athletics South West London cancels a Class, then the price of the cancelled Class will be deducted from the next month’s fee.
4.6. It is your responsibility to make sure there are sufficient funds in your account and that the saved card is valid. If an automatic payment has failed, you will be notified via email with a payment link to re-try. Failure to make payment will result in the Child’s place in the Classes being cancelled.
4.7. If you have selected a monthly subscription payment method, you hereby authorise Heather Gillham T/as HG Athletics to take automatic monthly payments (continuous payment authority) on the basis described above until you cancel this authorisation. Payments will be taken from the card from which you made your last payment. If you want to change the card details, please do so by logging into your account dashboard.
Block bookings (Phased out from January 2025)
4.8. Block booking is when you pay for a block of either 6 or 12 consecutive Classes. The Classes paid for must be taken weekly in succession as they fall due. You will then have 48 hours after the final Class to book another block through the Website after which your place will be made available to others. Booking fees apply.
4.9. There are no refunds for missed Classes by you under block bookings. If Mini Athletics South West London cancels a class then an additional Class will be added to the end of the block.
Termly Bookings
4.10. Termly booking is when you pay for the termly period that Mini Athletics South West London has set. If joining during a term, you will just pay for the sessions remaining in the term. You will then be made aware of when the next term is available to book and pay via the Website accordingly. Booking fees apply.
4.11. There are no refunds for missed Classes by you under termly bookings. If the franchisee cancels a class then a discount code (to the value of one class) will be given for the next term.
Holiday Camps
4.12. Holiday camps (for 4-8 year olds) are available to book via the Website. You may have the option to book individual days (if the local franchisee allows this) or it may be compulsory to book the whole camp (all days). This is a one off booking and separate and not inclusive of the monthly subscription or any block or term bookings.
Birthday Parties/Events
4.12. Birthday parties, school clubs and nurseries are run separately from our regular classes and can be arranged directly with your local Mini Athletics South West London franchisee. Payment for these will be taken separately by your local Mini Athletics South West London franchisee.
4.11. In addition to the sums payable for the Classes mentioned above, a membership fee to join the Mini Athletics South West London community shall also be payable, as set out on the Website.
4.13. If the Fees change you will be notified of the revised prices by your local Mini Athletics South West London franchisees.
4.14. If there are ‘last minute’ class changes or a cancellation by Mini Athletics South West London then you will be notified with as much notice as possible. Mini Athletics South West London will not reimburse any expenses incurred by a Parent failing to pick up this message.
4.15. If your Child is unable to attend the Class, you are permitted to ‘send a friend’ in your Child’s place. However, Mini Athletics South West London must be made aware of this at least 24 hours before the Class commences via email. In addition, specific information about the child attending must be emailed to Mini Athletics South West London including their name, date of birth and medical conditions/allergies.
5. Parent's Responsibility.
5.1. You warrant and represents that:
5.1.1. The information provided on the online booking form is accurate and up to date at the time of booking and you will notify Mini Athletics South West London of any changes immediately:
5.1.2. You or the Carer must inform Mini Athletics South West London of any medical condition (including allergies) affecting a Child before the Child participates in any Class or other service offered by Mini Athletics South West London;
5.1.3. Neither the Child, or any Parent/Carer, must attend a Mini Athletics South West London Class if experiencing symptoms of any infectious or contagious disease or illness without first notifying Mini Athletics South West London and obtaining its consent to the Parent/Carer attending and the Child participating in the Class;
5.1.4. You acknowledge that it is compulsory for a Parent or Carer to be present throughout public classes and birthday parties. The Parent/Carer shall have sole responsibility for the conduct and care of the Child and shall not leave the Child unattended for any period of time whilst the Child is on the Premises;
5.1.5. You acknowledge that, where a Parent or Carer is not required to be present (e.g. for holiday camps/school clubs/nurseries), the Parent or Carer shall collect their Child promptly at the end of any session;
5.1.6. Mini Athletics South West London shall have absolute discretion to exclude a Child, Parent or Carer from any Class or Classes if, in the opinion of Mini Athletics South West London, this is necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of other children, parents or carers;
5.1.7. In Classes (excluding holiday camps, school clubs and nurseries) you are allowed to bring non-participating siblings of the participating child onto the Premises as long as they do not get involved in the class. The sibling is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer at all times. If the sibling needs attention that requires the Parent/Carer to leave the Premises, the participating Child must accompany the Parent/Carer and must not be left with the Coach;
5.1.8. Parents/Carers and Children are expected to behave in a civilised and respectful manner at all times towards the Coaches, other customers and any members of the public who are on the Premises. In the event that Mini Athletics South West London determines the behaviour of the Child and/or the Parent/Carer to be unacceptable, Mini Athletics South West London shall be entitled to exclude the Child and the Parent/Carer (or either of them) from classes and Premises permanently or for such period as Mini Athletics South West London shall (in its entire discretion) determine;
5.1.9. Parents/Carers accept that at times there may be physical contact between the Coach and the Child, which will always be carried out in a professional and caring manner; and
5.1.10 Some activities involve Parent/Carer participation and the Parent/Carer will inform the Coach if they are not able to participate before any session starts.
5.2. The Parent shall indemnify and keep indemnified Mini Athletics South West London against all loss (including loss of profit), liability, costs and expenses which Mini Athletics South West London shall incur directly or indirectly as a consequence of any action or inaction of the Parent, the Carer or the Child.
5.3. The Parent and/or Carer agrees to keep the content of Mini Athletics South West London classes (and related sessions) confidential and agrees not to copy or use any aspect of the Mini Athletics South West London programme directly or indirectly. In particular, the Parent and/or Carer shall not:
5.3.1. Share any aspect of the Mini Athletics South West London programme with any Competitor;
5.3.2. Replicate or use any material provided by Mini Athletics South West London or provide such material for the use of any third party; or
5.3.3. Directly or indirectly manage, operate or assist in the organisation of any Competitor.
6. General Class Rules
6.1. Parents/ Carers should stay within easy sight and reach of their Child at all times.
6.2. Ensure that your Child arrives promptly for your session and either bin or take any litter home with you when you leave. Please let the Coach know if you have to leave the session early for any reason; this is for emergency evacuation purposes.
6.3. Before the Class starts, children are encouraged to free play with the shooting stars (bean bags) or foam javelins. Please note, the Teenies and Didee's age group must not play with the foam javelins. Parents/carers are fully responsible for their children. Coaches may not be able to supervise, as this will be a time when Coaches are available to speak to parents regarding special requirements etc.
6.4. Keep prams, belongings and non-participating children away from the play zone at all times. Other children (not registered members of the class) are not covered by our accident insurance if they cause or are involved in an accident
6.5. Children should come dressed in suitable sportswear including trainers, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and Mini Athletics vest.
6.6. Children should bring a drink along with them. Please do not bring any food to a session as some Mini Athletes may have severe food allergies and, if consumed during a session, this may also present a choking hazard.
6.7. Where possible we ask Parents/Carers to keep noise to a minimum to ensure the children can hear instructions from the Coach.
6.8. To protect children, please refrain from taking photographs. This is in accordance with government child protection guidelines.
6.9. Sometimes the Coach may request a child to have a time out with their Parent/Carer in order to calm down. This is perfectly normal.
6.10. We may need to film the class for training and educational purposes. If you are not happy with this please let Mini Athletics South West London know at the time of your booking or at least 4 hours before your first session. Filming is very infrequent but does happen from time to time. As long as you have informed Mini Athletics South West London we will offer credit for the session that your Child will have to miss due to the filming.
7. Holiday Camp Rules
7.1. In order to attend any camp, the Child must be able to go to the toilet independently. When a child needs the toilet, a member of staff will remain outside the toilet. At no point will the Coach enter the toilet with the Child unless they are in difficulty.
7.2. Any medical needs and allergies must be declared in advance of the summer camp when signing up via the ‘medical conditions’ box on the booking form.
7.3. Any medication that needs to be with the Child must be in a plastic zip type bag and clearly labelled and a medical consent form completed. Please contact Mini Athletics South West London franchisee directly for this.
7.4. The Parent/Carer must provide all snacks and drinks for their Child.
7.5. If the camp is held outside, you are advised to ensure that you provide your Child with a hat, apply a high factor sun cream (before you arrive to camp) and a cold-water bottle for refilling.
8. Complaint’s Procedure
8.1. We hope you will be delighted with our service but if you are at all unhappy please follow our complaints procedure:
8.1.1. Speak to the Coach, or telephone the Mini Athletics South West London franchisee, who will try to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
8.1.2. If the response is not satisfactory, please send your complaint in writing to head office (info@miniathletics.com).
9. Exclusion of Liability
9.1. Except in the case of fraud, Mini Athletics South West London, its
coaches, servants, employees or agents accept no responsibility under any
circumstances for any loss (consequential or otherwise), damage, expense
or delay suffered or incurred by the Parent, Carer, Child or any other party
arising directly or indirectly or in any way connected with the attendance
of the Child at any Class (or related sessions) or any other act or omission on
the part of Mini Athletics South West London or any of its coaches, employees
or agents even if such act or omission is negligent.
9.2. The Parent acknowledges, warrants and undertakes (for
and on behalf of the Parent and the Child) that the maximum aggregate
liability of Mini Athletics South West London to the Parent, Carer and/or Child
under these terms shall not exceed the Fee payable in respect of any class (or
related session).
9.3. All warranties and conditions whether implied by statute or otherwise
are excluded from this contract provided that nothing in this contract shall
restrict or exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by the
negligence of Mini Athletics South West London, its coaches, servants,
employees or agents or affects the statutory rights of the Parent, Carer or
9.4. Any claim that a Parent, Carer or Child seeks to make against Mini Athletics South West London must be brought within sixty (60) days of the event giving rising to the claim. Any claim made thereafter may be time-barred, subject to your statutory rights.
10. General
10.1. Mini Athletics South West London accepts the service of documents via email and any notices to be sent by either party to the other shall be sent in writing by pre-paid recorded delivery or hand-delivered and shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee within 48 hours of posting or immediately if hand delivered.
10.2. The failure to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the obligations arising under these Terms and Conditions shall not be a waiver of them or of the right at any time subsequently to enforce all the obligations arising under these Terms.
10.3. The safety and wellbeing of your child or the child in your care is of the upmost importance to Mini Athletics South West London. We have a responsibility to report any inappropriate or suspicious behaviour to the relevant authorities.
10.4. Whilst we will try to ensure you always have the same Coach in a particular class, we cannot guarantee this as Coaches may fall ill, leave or cancel for personal reasons. On occasion we may also need to have a new coach join or lead your lesson in order to complete their training or assessments. This will in no way affect the quality of your Class and Mini Athletics South West London may change coaching staff at its discretion.
10.5. We reserve the right to make amendments to these Terms and Conditions at any time to reflect changes in our business or statutory obligations. The new version will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately upon posting. If applicable these changes will be communicated to all our customers by email. If you book Classes after the new Terms and Conditions have come into effect as part of your booking process you will indicate your agreement to be bound by them.
10.6. In order to provide the Parent/Carer and Child with services we may need to process personal data relating to you/them. Please see our Privacy Notice (available here: https://www.miniathletics.com/privacy-policy/) for detailed information about how we use your personal data and your rights in relation to your personal data. If you would like us to send you a copy of our Privacy Notice, please speak to the Mini Athletics South West London franchisee via emailing hgillham@miniathletics.com
10.7. Mini Athletics South West London shall have absolute discretion to cancel its contract with any Parent for any reason. Mini Athletics South West London will accept no responsibility for loss or damage arising from such cancellation but will refund fees for any Classes not taken by reason of its cancellation of a contract.
10.8. These Terms and Conditions shall be subject to and governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising from or under these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Mini Athletics South West London franchisee is not based in this jurisdiction, the local law in your jurisdiction will apply to these Terms and Conditions and any disputes shall be referred to the local courts in your jurisdiction.