Annual Conference 2022

28 March 2022

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Friday 25th March 2022 was a special day for Mini Athletics. We had our annual conference at Lee Valley Athletics Stadium, London. It was a great day for franchisees to share ideas and hear from fantastic speakers from a variety of different areas.

The first presentation was from our co-founder Kirk Bowyer, reflecting on the past couple of years. His presentation focused on the fantastic versatility of franchisees during the pandemic. He reflected on how franchisees went from delivering normal classes (pre-pandemic) to online classes and then socially distanced classes. It was a an incredible achievement by the whole team.

The next presentation was from Clare Bowyer, co-founder of Mini Athletics on Amazineer coaching. She detailed what makes a coach Amazing and how franchisees can support their coaches to achieve this Amazineer status.  The presentation put together months of research from the team at HQ in order to help franchisees deliver fantastic and amazing sessions.

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Before lunch we then heard from Sarah Monteith, a social media marketing expert who has worked for brands such as Vogue, Marie Claire and Hello magazine. She provided some great knowledge and resources on how to reach and market to more parents through effective instagram strategies.

Following lunch we then had a fantastic presentation by one of our franchisees, Hayley Jackson on effective delivery of our new Teeny class (walking to 2 years). It was a great chance to act like a 1 year old for 45 mins!

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It was then time to hear from our operations manager, Andy Cornelius on coach recruitment. He presented some fantastic ways to recruit great coaches.

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Finally, we had a presentation from Cerys Keneally.  Unfortunately, this did need to be through zoom (due to covid) but she gave some amazing tips and resources on offline marketing.

Here are a few words from our co-founder, Kirk Bowyer:

"First and foremost, it was fantastic to see everybody together again. It was also a great example of what Mini Athletics does so well ie working together, sharing ideas and continuing our professional development.

Continually supporting franchisees is our most important objective at HQ. As well as the annual conference we have unrivalled support from our ops manager and monthly online CPD sessions. We are incredibly proud of all our franchisees"

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29th March, 2025 12:34am

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